From Courtney Boisvert
Cybersecurity Hack-a-thon Empowering Learning through Interactive Activities Presented by Mandeep Pannu -
From Courtney Boisvert
Drawing to Unlock Genetics Harnessing Visualizations to Simplify Complex Concepts Presented by Marina Tourlakis -
From Courtney Boisvert
Guerilla Teaching Planting Seeds and Growing Community (Pre-recorded) Presented by Matt Olafson -
From Courtney Boisvert
Building Engagement Elevating Carpentry with Kahoot Quizzes Presented by Patrick Watchorn -
From Courtney Boisvert
Seven Circles Indigenous Teachings for Living Well Presented by Sylvia Richardson -
From Courtney Boisvert
John Munro, Jovo Bikic, Dr. Teresa Kisilevich, Lorna Andrews, Ashlyen Singh, Dr. Ian Affleck -
From Courtney Boisvert
Regenerative Education: Nature-embedded, AI-infused Learning - Dr. Anna Griffith, Assistant Professor, School of Creative Arts Celebrate Learning -
From Courtney Boisvert
Voices From The River -Dr. Lolehawk Laura Buker, Assistant Professor, Indigenous Studies and co-chair of Indigenous Studies, Social Justice and Global Stewardship…